Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter 21/05/2021
Principal News

Catholic Schools Week Art Competition
During Catholic Schools Week our students had the opportunity to create an artwork that represented our school. I was absolutely blown away by the artworks that our children created and their explanations as to why they created what they did.
"I have painted love and this represents our school because I love our school."
"My artwork has the school logo. It also has yellow that represents light, so we know that Jesus is with us at school. I have also used a bit of red because we are loved at our school. The children are all holding the logo up because we all support each other at our school."
Congratulations to the following students who were selected by our mystery judges for their winning artworks.
Kinder- Finnan, Oliver, Zarli and Robbie
Year 1- Isla, Campbell, Clancy and Evie
Year 2- Ryder, Chaise, Brayden and Sierra
Year 3- Maia, Laini, Baliey and Harper
Year 4- Claire and Annaliese
Year 5- Ellanor and Amarli
Year 6- Carmen and Lilliana


This weekend we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the time when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so that the disciples could begin the difficult task of bringing about the Reign of God through spreading the Good News to the ends of the earth.
Jesus hands on his mission to the disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit so that they may reconcile people to the Father by forgiving sins in God’s name just as Jesus had done.
When was the last time you experienced God’s love and mercy in the sacrament of
Penance and Reconciliation?
Even if it has been a while, God and the Church are always there waiting with open arms.
Kindergarten 2022

For the past two weeks I have had the pleasure of interviewing our Kindergarten families looking to enrol at our beautiful school for 2022. As part of the interview process, I always ask the families why they want to be part of our parish school family here at OLHC. The feedback we are receiving and the reasons for wanting to be part of our school is a credit to our school community and how hard we are all working here at OLHC for our children.
"The teaching staff at OLHC are incredible. It is obvious that they love and care for all our children".
"We love the sense of community and belonging. We love everything about OLHC and it is always about the kids".
"We feel like we are part of a family. Our children love coming to school".
"There is a great feeling in this school. We feel welcome as parents and our children belong".
"We love the focus on learning and the level of communication with parents. We had to fight with our children to go to school before coming here. Now they can't stop talking about school and they want to learn".
"The quality of teachers at OLHC is outstanding. They always listen to the children and the parents".
"I have heard nothing but amazing things in the community. Everyone we talk to is wanting to be at OLHC".
"Our eldest boy is absolutely thriving here. Everything is about the kids and we are not just a number. We are so grateful to be part of this school".
"Being part of a faith community is really important to us. We want our children to be able to have the opportunity to grow and learn about their faith and see it in action everyday".
World Support Staff Day

Last Monday we celebrated our amazing support staff team here at OLHC. We are truly blessed to have such dedicated staff who go above and beyond for each of our children. They all work tirelessly to support the needs of our children and ensure they experience all the joys that school has to offer. Thank you for everything that you do for our children. We couldn’t do it without you!
Learning Conferences

Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conferences
Our learning conferences will be held in Week 8 and form an integral part of the whole learning experience here at Our Lady Help of Christians. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss how your child is progressing in their learning, what their future learning goals will be, look at work samples and discuss any concerns and posiible solutions in partnership with the class teacher.
A note will be sent home on Monday outlining how to use our online booking system to make a time with your child’s teacher. Please take full advantage of this opportunity to share in your child’s learning and wellbeing to strengthen our school and parent partnership.
Please send me an email at michael.piccoli@lism.catholic.edu.au, if you experience any difficulties booking a time slot.
It is important that schools continue to follow the COVID-19 Guidelines. CSNSW wishes to highlight the following:
- Staff and students should not attend work or school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19 and should not return until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free.
- Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms are strongly encouraged to get tested.
- All staff must monitor the NSW government website for locations where there may have been exposure to COVID-19 and adhere to the advice as appropriate.
- Schools must be vigilant in implementing: personal hygiene, physical distancing, cleaning and record keeping practices at events.
- Where possible to use outdoor areas, weather permitting or large open spaces, to enable adequate physical distancing.
- All visitors to a school site must be well and symptom free, comply with sign-in arrangements, and the 1.5m physical distancing requirements where possible.
School Opening Hours
Just a gentle reminder that school is not open in the morning until 8:25am. Students arriving before this time need to be booked into Before School Care or wait in the car with their parents, as there is no teacher supervision until 8:25am.
Mission News

Making Jesus Real Awards
Frankie D - For Making Jesus Real and lifting others up in our classroom through her positive encouragement . Thank you Frankie.
Oliver B - For always using beautiful manners and showing the face of Jesus to others. Thank you for being a kind and caring friend.
Laisa V - For always being a kind and helpful classmate. Thank you, Laisa!
Alby S - For always being a kind and welcoming student at OLHC. Keep shining your light Alby!
Harriett J - For showing spirit of Jesus by going out of your way to help a classmate. Thank you, Harriett.
Tilly P - For being a caring and a polite member of her literaccy rotation group. Fantastic Tilly.
Grace C - For always being a considerate and kind friend to all in our class.
Marlie H - For always being willing to help others and seeing a need and offering to do something about it.
Marlee S - For always having a positive outlook on situations and being caring towards others.
Kobi P - For being considerate and aware of the needs of others and helping without being asked.
Sonny B - For your wonderful sense of humour. You always know how to brighten our classroom. Thank you Sonny!
Milani K - For her consistent kindness and support shown towards all peers.
Christian Meditation
Christian Meditation is a well embedded prayer practice in our school. It is a ancient form of meditation that is a way of simplicity, silence and stillness. All students participate in Christian Meditation straight after lunch, repeating the mantra MA RA NA THA; meaning 'Come, Lord Jesus'.
Year 1 participating in Christian Meditation in our special Rosary Garden.

Family Prayer Bags

This week we received 6 Prayer Bags from the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Parent Assembly. The Prayer Bags will be used in our infants classes for our children and their families to share some prayer time in their own homes. The bags contain everything the children need to prepare a prayer space and a special prayer for their family. The bag also contains a journal to record their prayers and/or experiences that they can then share with their class back at school.
There is no right or wrong way to pray using these resources! Further instructions on how you might use the prayer bags is included in the resources and each class may use them a little differently.
A big thank you to Jo Kelly and our Parent Assembly representatives for preparing and sharing these beautiful prayer resources with the children and families of OLHC.

Ascension of the Lord
Last Sunday was the Feast of the Ascension. Through his Death, Resurrection and Ascension, Jesus showed us clearly who we are called to be as disciples and what our mission is here on earth!
We are called to go out and to all the world and share the Good News of Jesus with all people.

Learning & Teaching

Congratulations to Year 3 and 5 who completed NAPLAN last week. The students completed 4 assessments in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. They should all be commended on their positve attitudes towards NAPLAN and their efforts. Well done!
Kinder P

Kinder R

Year 1

Year 2J

Year 2O

Year 3
In Spelling, Year 3 have been learning about word families and building word lists in order to improve their writing.

Year 4
Year 4 have co-constructed their new bump it up wall focusing on paragraph structure. They have been learning about topic sentences and supporting sentences.

Year 5
Year 5 worked together to co-construct their new bump it up wall for informative texts. The students worked together to give each other feedback on their writing and to place themselves on the bump it up wall. They also set a goal to bump their writing up.

Year 6
Year 6 have been learning how to participate in literature circles this fortnight. Each student has a role to play in the discussion of a text. The students are learning how to be active and attentive listeners and how to share their thoughts in a succinct way.

OLHC Achievement Award
Ned R - For persistence when writing to apply his sound knowledge and improve his letter formation. Well Done Ned.
Charles D - For being an active and confident participant in class discussionsthrough focussed listening. Thanks for sharing your ideas Charles.
Mae E - For consistent efforts to apply and extend her learning in all areas. Keep up the great work Mae.
Athena B - For her focused attention to become a more independent learner. Keep up the great work Athena.
Finnan M-T - For his persistent efforts and enthusiasm to improve his writing and present a clear message for his reader. Well done Finnan.
Nahri J - For being such a great role model and helping to support your peers. Your help makes a real difference in our class Nahri, Thank you.
Clancy L-P - For his great problem solving and explanation during Mathematics. Well done, Clancy!
Mason M - For displaying a growth mindset in all areas of his learning. Keep up the great work, Mason!
Juiet W -For always trying your best and never giving up even when things get difficult. Fantastic work, Juliet.
Paige W - For working hard on all tasks this fortnight. What a fantastic start to the term.
Jordy W - For working hard on the comprehension activity during rotations. Keep up the fantastic work!
Collin W - For being an independent writer and working towards his writing goal. Keep up the great work!
Brody C - For your impressive dedication to achieving your writing goals! Well done Brody!
Sonny K - For your amazing focus on your reading skills. I am so proud of how far you've come! Well done!
Billy M - For your wonderful progress with your reading. Keep it up!
Tyler E - For having a more positive approach to tasks and having a 'can do' attitude towards his work.
Roo B - For consistent effort in all her school work and always being ready to lend a helping hand.
Riley C - For fantastic growth in place value and applying his new learning to other areas.
Paige J - For applying herself to her learning, even when it's challenging. Well done, Paige.
Maggie A - For consistent application and persistence in extending herself across all areas.
Laila M - AMAZING opinion writing with clear topic sentences in each paragraph.
Thomas S - For reflecting on his learning, receiving feedback and setting personal learning goals. You've got this Tom!
Kalan A - For the quiet enthusiasm he displays towards all learning tasks. What a great leader you are, Kalan!
Indie C - For settling in to our class so well. You are a welcome addition to 5I and so very valued already Indie!
Marni C - For her mature and dedicated approach to all learning areas at school and at home.
Ryley B - For writing a creative and informative historical narrative.
Jarvis R-K - For writing a creative and informative historical narrative.
Jye L - For his curiosity in learning about natural disasters and historical events.
Sports News

School News

National Simultaneous Story Time
On Wednesday 19th May, we participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime-from Space! Dr Shannon Walker read the story 'Give me some Space!' from the International Space Station. It was exciting to see inside the Space station.

Canteen Volunteers Week 6 & 7
Thankyou to all our Fantastic Volunteers.
Week 6 - Friday 28th - Bec W & Judy C
Week 6 will be Subway - Ham & Salad or Ham & Cheese with a cookie.
Week 7 - Friday 4th June - Natalie F & Mary Ellen P
Week 7 will be Mr Mozarella's Pizza -Ham & Pineapple option and Meat Lovers Option
If you have trouble being able to help Volunteer on your week please contact Kim in the office on 66215490 .
Please order via the Fleixschools App.

Book Club Issue 4, May 2021
Book Club Catalogues went home on Monday 17th May 2021.
Online orders are due in by Thursday 27th of May 2021.
All orders are to be placed online using LOOP.
If you wish to order books please be aware that it is a cashless system.
Payments can be made with your credit card using the scholastic LOOP app.
Orders received by the school earn points which are then used to purchase much needed reading resources.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact Kim in the school office ph 6621 5490.
Happy Reading
Community News

Your Art On Bins Competition
As part of the Lismore Laneways revitalisation project, Lismore City Council in collaboration with the Back Alley Gallery are calling for your art on new bins to be installed in Carrington Street. Residents within the Northern Rivers are invited to submit their designs to be digitally printed and installed on the side panels of the three new bins.

In the first week of the July school holidays, scores of young musicians from across the region will converge on the Northern Rivers Conservatorium to become the Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra 2021. The three day orchestral workshop will culminate in a finale concert at Lismore City Hall at 6:30pm on Thursday 8thJuly.
Now in its ninth year, after a Covid-enforced hiatus in 2020, the Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra 2021 program will extend regional music students by providing the opportunity to experience the social and educational benefits of playing together in a large ensemble.