Term 3 Week 2 Newsletter 29.07.22
Principal News

Welcome Back to Term 3
As we finish Week 2 of Term 3, it is fitting to congratulate the students on their behaviour, responsibility, respect and the positive attitude they are demonstrating towards their learning. As a school, it is so rewarding to receive emails or phone calls from people both inside and outside of our school community acknowledging how well behaved, polite and respectful our students are here at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish School. It is a credit to our students, their families, our staff and our school.
The Feast of the Assumption
On Monday 15th August, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of the Assumption of Our Lady when according to our faith, the Holy Mother, “having completed her course of her earthly life was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory".
The Assumption signals the end of Mary's earthly life and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. While the bodies of both Jesus and Mary are now in heaven, there is a difference between the Assumption and the Resurrection. Where Jesus arose from the tomb and ascended into heaven by his own power, Mary's body was taken up to heaven by the power of her Son.
As the Feast of the Assumption is a Holy Day of Obligation, our parish school will be having a special liturgy to celebrate our Holy Mother.

In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite our parent community to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish School. The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Further details will be shared in the coming weeks.
Parent Forum-Monday 8th August

We will be having our next Parent Forum meeting on Monday 8th August at 6:00pm. There are many different ways to be involved in your child’s education and the Forum is one way of supporting school initiatives, being part of school decisions and developing a stronger sense of community.
Please find the draft agenda below.
- School Expectations-Parent Feedback
- Playground Updates
- Classroom Visits
- Community Events
I thank you in advance for everything you do to support your child’s education and I look forward to seeing you on the 8th August.

NAIDOC Week fell in the holidays and we will be celebrating it at school this term. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We stand in footsteps millennia old. We acknowledge the Widjabul land of the Bundjalung Nation, and the Wia-bul people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, learn and play. We pay our respects to elders past, present and future, for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of all Australia. We honour the presence of these ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose spirituality flows through all creation.
We come together to celebrate NAIDOC Week. The theme this year is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! We pray today that we get up, stand up and show up to support justice, equality and freedom for all people.
We will be celebrating NAIDOC Week during Week 3 with many different cultural activities and celebrations including Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony, didgeridoo, dance and dreamtime stories with Rory Close, Indigenous art and guest speakers.

As always, we appreciate your support when it comes to your child/ren being unwell in that you keep them home until they are well enough to return. If you or someone in your family tests positive for COVID, students are still able to attend school.
We continue to maintaining our COVID safe practices here at school by ensuring that we:
* Stay home if unwell or showing any symptoms & not returning until we are fully recovered
* Rapid antigen test when exhibiting symptoms & for close contacts who are able to be at school
* Practice good hygiene including regular hand washing & sanitising before eating & entering classrooms.
RATs are available on request and can be sent home with your child/ren as needed. If you require RATs, please contact the school office. We appreciate your support in helping us to keep our school community safe and well over the coming weeks.
Mission News

The Gotchya Box is back!
This term, we have reintroduced a new and improved (sparkly) Gotchya Box. It has been full three times in a week and a half - that means that our students are seeing Jesus well and truly alive in our parish school community.
The Gotchya awards allow students to recognise their peers for being just like Jesus and making him real in our school, both in classrooms and the playground. It has been a real joy to see the excitement around our Gotchya Box’s return and I have loved being told endlessly that the Gotchya awards were empty - even if this means more photocopying for me!
Where have you seen Jesus today?

Upcoming Liturgies
NAIDOC Week - Friday, 5th August 2:15pm
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - Monday, 8th August 9:15am
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Monday, 15th August 9:15am
Sacramental Program Update
The Sacrament of Confirmation (planned for 7th August) and First Holy Communion (planned for 11th September) have been rescheduled, to be celebrated in our Parish Church with Father Peter early in Term 4. Details will be confirmed as soon as we know the availablilty of the church. We thank all families for their ongoing support and understanding.

Making Jesus Real Awards
Lylah M - For her caring support and encouragement of a classmate in learning. Thank you Lylah.
Alyssa J - For her caring support and encouragement of a class mate in learning. Thank you Alyssa.
Riley M - For making Jesus real with beautiful manners. Thank you, Riley!
Sophia B - For beina a kind and supportive friend to those in need. Keep shining Sophia.
Jethro P - For always willing to give things a go and for bringing joy to all those around him! Keep shining your light, Jethro!
Mae E - For always being a welcoming student and helping others around her. Keep shining your light, Mae!
Taetum PSB - For always looking out for your friends and checking in with them when they need it.
Anika B - For brightening up our classroom with your big smile and caring attitude you show towards those around you!
Harlee C - For showing and treating her peers and teachers with respect, using her manners and being fair. Harlee shows empathy for others and includes them always. Well done Harlee!
Aleena C - For consistently being a caring and compassionate classmate. Thanks for helping your teachers and friends!
Charlie W - For continually brightening our classroom with your positivity and treating others with kindness.
Archer A - For not giving up on your writing when you were stuck for an idea. A great improvement in your persistence Archer. Keep moving forward!
Isabella D - For being a kind, compassionate and mature young lady towards everyone she encounters. Your caring and friendly nature makes you a pleasure to teach, Izzy.
Learning & Teaching


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3 have made new bead strings and are using them to help them understand multiplication and division

Year 4 worked together to co-construct their success criteria for writing and are building fluency with their multiplication facts

Year 5 have also co-constructed their writing success criteria and have been learning about time in Maths.

Year 6 were using their knowledge of area to work out the lines for the new handball courts

OLHC Achievement Awards
Grace B - For working steadily to complete all learning tasks and become a more active participant in learning opportunities. Great work Grace.
Leo C - For focussed effort to improve his presentation of work and complete learning tasks well. Keep it up Leo.
Seraphine C - For focussed attention in reading group when practising her skills. Keep up the great work Seraphine.
Lennox H - For your dedication towards all your maths learning. You should be veryproud of your achievements Lenny!
Reuben T - For a fantastic start to the term, being ready to learn at all times. Well done Reuben!
Zarli B-P - For her enthusiastic approach to all learning tasks. You are a valued member of our class family, Zarli!
Finnan M-T - For making such a wonderful start to Term 3. You are an enthusiastic worker with very interesting ideas. Keep it up, Finnan!
Harvey C - for a settled start to the term and your enthusiasm towards our fairy tale unit.
Evan S - For a great attitude towards your writing this week.
Clancy L-P - For always approaching all of your learning with a smile and 100% effort.
Tyler N - For putting in a hughe effort when writing your fairy tale this week! You should be really proud of yourself, Tyler.
Heidi W - For always challenging yourself in Maths and working hard to read and write 5 - digit numbers. You're a super star, Heidi!
Sonny K - For his improved participation in writing warm ups. Well done for a great summary of your holidays.
Kaiden K - For creating an outstanding picture of a bee during Creative Arts.
Max G - For posing insightful and thought provoking questions and ideas during Religious Education lessons. Well done!
Laini L - For consistently displaying a positive attitude towards learning.
Robbie G - For using interesting and efficient strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.
Kobi P - For constantly being there to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Teacher or Student.
Isaac S - For a huge improvement in the presentation of your work. Keep it up Isaac!
Jackson P - for his enthusiasm and curiosity in learning about triangular numbers and working meticulously in doubling numbers in our warm ups this week.
Ben B - for his excellent attitude towards all tasks and approaching his work with diligence and enthusiasm. Thank you for also being a wonderful helper around the room, it is much appreciated.
Sports News

Richmond Zone Athletics Carnival
On Thursday the 28th of July, we had 31 students from OLHC attend the Richmond Zone Athletics Carnival at Woodlawn College. We were blessed with wonderful weather and it was great to see the children enjoying themselves and encouraging others. All the students represented our school with the highest of expectations and tried their absolute best.
Thank you to all the parents that managed to come and support the children and thank you to both Mrs. Sciascia and Mrs. Papworth for ensuring the children were well hydrated and ready for every event they were in.
Here are the names of the students that represented our school on the day.
8-10 Years Boy/Girl | 11 Years Boy/Girl | 12/13 Years Boys/Girls | |
Hamish Johnson Brody Clapham Jack De Giusti Ryan Fry Quitin Fergus Braith Fing Oliver Birmingham | Harper Jasmin Laini Lynch Bailey Newton Sienna Santin Sophie Maher Harriett Johnston Ellie Brooker | Tyler Brown Kobi Preston Harlan Gannon Maggie Aylward Claire Gough Rahni Pope Laila McCluskie Pippa Tulk | Cooper Williams Sonny Butler Maverick Johnston Kallum Hughes Noah Hayes Isabella De Giusti Georgie White Amarli Goulding Amber Bryant |
Due to the busyness at the end of the day, not all results were finalised. I will add the students that came either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd to the Week 4 Newsletter. We wish all the students well as they head off to Lismore Diocesan Athletics Carnival on Wednesday the 10th of August at Coffs Stadium, Coffs Harbour.
1500m Race
Congratulations to all the students that participated in the 1500m Race on Monday the 25th of July at Hepburn Park. Although this event took place outside of the Zone Athletic Carnival day each and every student proudly represented our school. It is never easy to participate in a big race after school and they all did an amazing job. A very big thank you to all the parents that managed to get the children there on time, this often takes some organising and we really appreciate it.
Well done to Harper Jasmin who came 2nd in the 8-10 Years Girl Age group. Harper will now progress to the Lismore Diocesan Athletics Carnival on Wednesday the 10th of August at Coffs Stadium, Coffs Harbour. We wish her all the best at the next level.
Richmond Zone Athletics Carnival

Netball Gala Day
On Thursday the 4th of August, we will send 3 mixed netball teams to a Netball Gala Day at the Casino Netball Courts. Due to the current state of the facilities, the organises felt that the space was not right for the event, therefore it has been moved to Casino. Students that are in Year 5 and 6 that have been nominated for this day and permissions note and payment needs to be made by Friday the 29th of July, as all teams need to be finalised by Monday the 1st of August. This day is designed for children to step out of their comfort zones, learn some new skills and have lots of fun. All parents are welcome to attend this event.
Richmond Zone Gala Day
On Friday 19th of August, our Year 5 and 6 students will be provided with another opportunity to participate in the Richmond Zone Gala Day. This day will allow students the opportunity to participate in a variety of different sports. The students will travel to Hepburn Park to participate in sports such as ALF, NRL, soccer, cricket, tennis, table tennis, and hockey. There are a few details that need to be finalised, but a note will be handed out next week to the students. All parents are welcome to attend the day.
Upcoming Events
Thursday the 4th of August - Year 5 and 6 Netball Gala Day
Friday the 12th of August - Diocesan Athletics Carnival
Friday the 19th of August - Year 5 and 6 Multisports Gala Day
School News

A big thank you to Year 4 at St Columbia's in Adamstown. Year 4 were desperate to do what they could for our school after the floods so they held a lemonade stall to raise money for us to purchase more books for our library. They raised $450 for us and we are looking forward to sharing photos with them of the books they helped us to buy.

We also recieved a very generous donation from Holy Family School in Bathurst. They held a book fair through Larrikin House and Scholastic and have donated the rewards they recieved to us to purchase more books for our library. Yesterday, we recieved $750 worth of books from Larrikin House and we have $1500 worth of books coming from Scholastic.
Holy Family are also sending us some packs of this years Children's Book Council of Australia award nominated books.
We are so grateful for the support of schools from near and far.
Library Update
We have had inquires about students borrowing books to read at home. We are slowly building our library but currently only have enough books and readers for our students to use at school. We are working on building our collection but this will take some time.
Over the coming weeks, we may need some help covering books and readers for use at school. When we are ready, we will send a message on SeeSaw asking for help as it will be a big job!
If you have devices available, some options you may like to explore for students to read at home include:
Epic https://kids.getepic.com/ (paid subscription unless your child's class has a class code)
Funbrain Books (free) https://www.funbrain.com/books
Oxford Owl Free ebooks and decodable readers https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Every child deserves access to quality and affordable books, and Scholastic Book Club offers great prices with Value Books as low as $3 on every issue of Book Club. Best of all, if you order on Issue 5 you can select FREE BOOKS!
Place your Issue 5 order on LOOP to select up to 3 FREE BOOKS. To qualify all you have to do is spend over $30 and you can select 1 FREE book, or spend over $50 and you can select 2 FREE books or over $70 and you can select 3 FREE titles from a special online list. The list will display after you create your order and head to the checkout. See www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP for more information.
Book Club ordering is Online only. No Cash Accepted. Please have your orders in by Thursday 4th August.
Did you know that 20% of your Book Club order goes back to our school in Scholastic Rewards? These Rewards are redeemed on Books and Educational Resources which helps stretch our budget further.
If you have any issues please contact Kim in the School's Office.
Happy Reading!
Canteen 5th August - Hot Dog Day
Canteen 12th August - Sushi Day
Please order online before 1pm Wednesdays using the Flexischools App. Any queries please contact Kim in the schools office.
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